Beauty - Food - Life

Monday 21 December 2015

Blogmas Day 21: Get organised for 2016

Welcome back to An appetite for makeup.

So this isn't very Christmassy but it is about how to get organised for the up and coming new year.

I thought I would share with you how I got my self organised for this year and will definitely be repeating this for 2016.

When scrolling through instragram, I came across the 'personal-planner' so I looked in to it.

The planners are completely unique because you can design everything about them.
From the colours, the text, what information you have on each page, additional inserts and what date it starts on.

So to keep it simple, I decided on pink polka dots with a 'N' on but you can choose from lots of different designs or you can have a photo on the front.

I designed my planner to have lots of room to write on the week days, so I can plan things for work, my blog and social events.
But there is loads of different layouts you have pick from, to make it work for you.

There was lots of things you could add, but I choose this 'training' insert, so I could organise my fitness.

You could have inserts in the back pages for lots of different things, however I make a lot of lists, I chose just lots of lined paper in the back of mine, I thought it could double up as a notepad too.

I think this is a really good way to organise your year because you can make it work for you.

I am going to order my new diary in January and this year I will look in to a insert for a food diary because I think this will help me with my weight loss journey.

How do you get organised for the new year? 

Thankyou for reading.


Nicola X X 

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