Beauty - Food - Life

Sunday 20 December 2015

Blogmas Day 20: Rudolph Nails

Welcome back to An appetite for makeup.

So, for todays post, I thought I would do another nail art, as it's the Christmas party for all the clients at work tomorrow and I thought I would do my nails, so I took some photos to put on my blog too.

What you will need:

A white polish 
A red polish
A black polish 
A brown polish 
A cream polish
A topcoat 
A dotter 
A nail art brush, I used the end of it to make the big dot for the nose.

First, paint the nails you want the Rudolph design on;Red, and all the rest white.

Let this dry, then with the brown polish, paint a half a oval on the front of the nail, this may need a few coats.

Next, using a dotter or a nail art brush and the cream polish, draw two 'Y' shapes coming out the top of the oval shape, this may take a little practice but just take it very slowly.

Add two small white dots for eyes inside the oval towards the top of it and a larger white dot on the tip of your nail for the nose.

I went in with a white polish first so that the red polish would stand out; once the white dot has dried, go in with a red dot over the top.

On the other nails, I decided to paint them red with white polka dots on them but you could just leave them red or put red glitter on them. 
What ever your heart desires.

When your finished and have let them dry, go over the top with a top coat to seal in your design.

Here is the finished look..........

What are your favourite Christmas nail art designs? 

Thankyou for reading.


Nicola X X 

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