Beauty - Food - Life

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Blogmas Day 2: Go-to winter lip

Welcome back to An appetite for makeup,

So for my second instalment of Blogmas, I thought I would talk about my go-to winter lip.
In winter, I like to wear a darker lip and I have recently bought a new MAC lipstick which is one of the darkest colours in my collection and I just love it.

This little beauty is called 'Deep Love' and it's such a nice 'reddy brown'.
I am really pale and I thought it wouldn't suit me but I love it.
I feel like when I wear a bold dark lip, I tend to tone done the rest of my makeup and hair, I feel it would look too much one me, which is a really good way to glam yourself up with only a little bit of time. 

Please comment down below,motel long me your go-to winter lip...

Thankyou for reading.

Nicola X X X 


  1. This is stunning to me it looks like a much darker version of Brick o'la which I absolutely adore!
    Coleoftheball xx

  2. Awww I havnt seen Brick O'la before...... Just googled it and its very similar to hot Tahiti haa
