Beauty - Food - Life

Saturday 19 December 2015

Blogmas Day 18&19: The Aurora Band

I'm Welcome back to An appetite for makeup. 

Well, I was doing so well and then I forgot yesterday, it's just Christmas party after Christmas party and I just don't have time sometimes, but I really wanna see Blogmas through till the end so here is Blogmas Day 18&19 and it's another easy over night curls.

So I saw these all over the Internet and just had to try on out.

Again I must add that I have curly hair anyway but really wanted to find a technique or product that tames them without a lot of time and effort. 

It's the Aurora Band, it's a sleep in roller that gives you some really nice results. 
I'm not sure if its called the 'Aurora' band, because of a connection with the fact sleeping beauty slept a lot but had prefect curls or what, however once you have achieved the curls they do remind me of Aurora's hair.

And who doesn't want sleeping beauties hair???????

So all you do is................

After washing your hair and letting it dry about 90%, (I like to leave mine to air dry because I don't like brushing it when it's wet and don't really like to use hair dryers on my hair).

Next you need to brush through your hair really well and then section into two sections, Parting your hair however you like it.

Next place the band on the top of your head like a crown, with the fabric bit at the front, the rest of the band is Velcro.

Taking small sections, pull it back and put it through the band, the ends of that section of hair will rejoin your hair and will add the next section you choose. 

Repeat this all around, try and leave a gap at the back for easier removal in the morning.

In the morning ........

It's very comfortable to sleep in, I didn't have any trouble with it, it looks a bit crazy though....

Now, you need the start from the back and unhook each section of hair out of the band, this bit takes some practice, the hair with sick to the Velcro but if you have unhooked it, the band should just come off without any tugging.

Once you have it off, your hair looks like you have stuck your finger in a plug socket, however if your just run your fingers through it, it tames down and looks so good.
I just fuss with it for a minute and spray some hairspray on it and I'm done.

And more importantly, it lasts all day...

Have you tried The Aurora Band??
What did you think? 

Thankyou for reading.


Nicola xxx

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