Beauty - Food - Life

Monday 8 December 2014

Blogmas day 8!! Sick day

Welcome back to a very poorly post, from An appetite for makeup.

I am really not well today and had to call in sick at work, which is one thing that really gets to me, I hate letting people down and having people struggle on because I'm not well, but let's face it we all get sick from time to time, so we just have to get on with it.

I havnt done a thing half interesting to tell you about, I literally had a bath and slept a lot and watched some really good films of sky on demand, I watched The Book Theif and I cried a lot.

I had already taken some photos of a little tip that I was going to share with you, so I will talk about that as I have no energy to take new photos.
Hope you enjoy and I will be back with something half decent tomorrow.


To start off the day, I went to work and got sent home, so as soon as I got in, a ran myself a bath to try and make myself feel a little bit better, I used my favourite lush bath bomb, Pheonix Rising, this bath bomb is supposed to be revitalising and this morning I definitely needed that!!! 



And if a purple bath can't bring you around nothing can!!! Lol 

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I went to a Christmas fayre at Durham Catherdral and bought some wax melts and a oil burner, from one of the stall holders, ScentedMelts.
They really are lovely, and smell lush and I thought of a really good way to store them whilst your waiting to use them, as they burn in the oil burner for quite a while and still smell great.

So if you are anything like me, I have a back log of Birchbox fabric pouches lying around my room, I use them to put makeup in to pop in my hand bag, I put toiletries in to take in my over night bag and on holiday, I use them for all sorts.
Using Birchbox pouches to store these melts in is a really nice idea and just pop them in your knicker drawer or pj drawer, they leave your drawer smell amazing!!!!!!
I do the same with all my lush bombs and bars too, the smell lingers on your clothes for ages, if you don't have the pouches from Birchbox don't worry, I'm sure you will have something that comes in a fabric pouch lying around the house.


So I hope you enjoyed this post, sorry it's been a bit boring these past two days, I feel a load better now, so I will have something exciting for tomorrow's post.

Please comment down below, what you do with your Birchbox pouches?

Love you all x x 

Love Nicola x 

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